Wednesday, June 5, 2013

art 1 portfolio

1. The landscape painting was my favorite because it involved painting which I was waiting to do all semester. It was fun because I like painting things, I don't know why I just find it fun. Although I couldn't do as well as I had hoped I would (because I did it all at once at home) I think it still came out okay considering my skills in art. I didn't know how to draw the yellow flowers so that frustrated me alot. Also the supposed trees in the back turned out bad because I really had NO idea how to put them on there and make them look good with paint. But overall I had fun with this project becasue again, I'd been waiting to do this so it was worth it.

2. I learned the most from this project because it was one of the first projects we did and it really showed me what I was getting myself into that semester. I liked it because it was different from what I usually do/see, so it was a good experience. Also because I had no clue what to do in the beggining I had to use my head to figure it out. One or two thngs I didn't like about it was how I had to look at the picture and figure out where I had to put the bones and how to shape them and whatnot. The ribs were the most frustrating part because I couldn't get the 3D part down so I just kind of drew these oval things.
I used what I learned from other projects on this like how to draw lines and make shapes and make it all look somewhat realistic. My growth as an artist has come a long way from the beggining of the semester. I feel like I can do a lot more than I originally thought. This class made me realize I can do way more than I thought I was capable of and in that way I have grown.

The project I thought was least important was the stencil portrait because it didnt really seem to me like it involved art in a major way and I couldn't learn anything about art from it. It didn't seem like it would help us get better in art in any way. So that is partly why I didnt finish it because I just didn't have the desire or drive to do it. It frustrated me because it was such a process and I was just lazy and didn't want to do it.


I don't know if we can use the same picture twice but this project reflects me as an "artist" because it is not a good drawing but it isn't bad either and it shows that I can actually do something decent in art. It shows that I shouldn't underestimate myself because looking at this isn't horrendous. So it lets me know I can get better and make paintings that look realistic which is one of my goals in art. I have a personal connection to this painting because, I don't know, it is my favorite thing we did this semester and I plan on putting it up somewhere in the house if my mom doesn't do it first.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

frog tounge

This was a fun one to do. I enjoyed it a lot more than the pancakes one because this one seemed just a little more challenging.

Angry Pancakes

I thought that this project was fun and entertaining. I never really thought I would use photoshop but it turned out it was pretty fun.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Contour shoe

I think contour drawing helped my drawing by helping me out with shapes and lines. Muscle memory kind of stuck and I was able to actually draw good or decent for once.

iPad art

Some similarities I found were that it is still hard (for me at least) to make the colors blend well. Another similarity was that shading is the same--hard. A difference I found was that the shadows for some reason were easier on the ipad than oil pastels. I think that I accomplished something that actually looks OK although it doesn't look that good in my opinion. Technology is helpful by getting your name out as an artist but I don't think art should be made electronically or by technologically.

cartoon skeleton

I had to exaggerate on the spine and the fingers. I had to modify the skull and I guess are the cheeks or the mouth which was confusing. I had to make the toes look right because he as three claws so he only has three bones in his feet. I had to make the pelvis super small because his waist is really skinny. The ribs were hard to do because I didn't know how to make it look like it curled around like real ribs do I learned that it is a lot harder than it looks and I appreciate art a little more now. Over all I think I did well for someone who isn't good at art/drawing at all.